US-based chipmakers Intel and Qualcomm are reportedly in talks to jointly invest about Rs.2,000 crore (30 billion yen ($378 million)) in Japanese electronics manufacturer Sharp Corp.
"Sharp is expected to reach an agreement as early as the end of this month with Qualcomm, while talks with Intel are less concrete amid the chipmaker's unclear financial picture," Reuters quoted an unidentified source as saying. However, another report from The Asahi Shimbun suggests that Intel and Sharp have already entered into alliance talks over joint development of components for smartphones and other electronics products. Negotiations between the two companies are on whether Intel can develop a CPU specifically for Sharp's new IGZO technology—a new liquid crystal display that offers higher resolutions and low power consumption in touchscreens displays. Last week, Fitch Ratings downgraded Sharp's credit to junk on Nov. 2 saying, "Fitch does not foresee any meaningful operational turnaround in the company's core business over the short- to medium-term."
"Sharp is expected to reach an agreement as early as the end of this month with Qualcomm, while talks with Intel are less concrete amid the chipmaker's unclear financial picture," Reuters quoted an unidentified source as saying. However, another report from The Asahi Shimbun suggests that Intel and Sharp have already entered into alliance talks over joint development of components for smartphones and other electronics products. Negotiations between the two companies are on whether Intel can develop a CPU specifically for Sharp's new IGZO technology—a new liquid crystal display that offers higher resolutions and low power consumption in touchscreens displays. Last week, Fitch Ratings downgraded Sharp's credit to junk on Nov. 2 saying, "Fitch does not foresee any meaningful operational turnaround in the company's core business over the short- to medium-term."